Connecting individuals with social services rather than pursuing traditional prosecution

Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm’s office participates in several early intervention programs that include specialty courts, as well as both diversion and deferred prosecution programs. The programs focus on connecting individuals charged with certain misdemeanors and low-level felonies with social services that match their assessed risks and needs. The diversion program is available before charging to people accused of lower-level offenses who have been assessed as low risk. The deferred prosecution program is available after a charge is filed and is focused on diverting people assessed to be moderate- to high-risk. In 2016, more than 1,000 people participated in the programs, with 80 percent successfully completing the diversion program and 71 percent successfully completing the deferred prosecution program.[]Milwaukee County Circuit Court System, Early Intervention Programs Brochure (Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee County Circuit Court System, 2017).