According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 60 percent of people in jail reported having had symptoms of a mental health disorder in the prior twelve months of their study. Further research estimates that approximately 15 percent of men and nearly one-third of women in jail have a serious mental illness and that rates of serious mental illness in state prison populations are at least two to four times higher than in community populations. But despite increasing recognition that the number of people with serious mental illness in the U.S. criminal justice system has reached unprecedented levels, existing interventions have done little to reduce these numbers.
For Mental Health Month, read more about these issues nationwide and the work that’s being done to increase diversion programs, train police officers and corrections officials, and improve interventions for and outcomes of people living with mental health issues.
Inside The Massive Jail That Doubles As Chicago’s Largest Mental Health Facility
First Do No Harm
Advancing Public Health in Policing Practices
Millions of medically vulnerable and socially marginalized people cycle through the criminal justice system each year due to serious structural problems entrenched in American society. The absence of a coherent and effective social safety net means that people lack access to physical and mental health care, social services, and housing options in t ...
First-Episode Incarceration
Creating a Recovery-Informed Framework for Integrated Mental Health and Criminal Justice Responses
The number of people diagnosed with serious mental illness in the U.S. criminal justice system has reached unprecedented levels. Increasingly, people recognize that the justice system is no substitute for a well-functioning community mental health system. Although a range of targeted interventions have emerged over the past two decades, existing ap ...
Shining a spotlight on mental health and police shootings
The Boston Globe’s infamous Spotlight team recently published an investigation on yet another way people with mental health disorders are underserved and harmed by the criminal justice system: being shot by police. Spotlight uncovered that in Massachusetts, between 2005 and 2015, more than 40 percent of people killed by police were suicidal or show ...
Rethinking mental illness and its path to the criminal justice system
There is growing attention to the intersection of poverty, mental illness, and criminal justice. Just last week, Vox published an article describing how the criminal justice system has become the default mental health system in the United States. And Vera recently released The Human Toll of Jail, featuring a story—later shared on Vice News—about ho ...
Creating a Culture of Safety
Sentinel Event Reviews for Suicide and Self-Harm in Correctional Facilities
Since 2011, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), through its Sentinel Events Initiative, has been investigating the feasibility of using a sentinel events approach to review and learn from errors in the criminal justice system such as wrongful convictions, eyewitness misidentifications, or incidents of suicide and self-harm in custody. Recogniz ...
The Intersection of Public Health and Criminal Justice
Interview with David Cloud
Mass incarceration is one of the major public health challenges facing the United States, as the millions of people cycling through the courts, jails, and prisons every year experience far higher rates of chronic health problems, substance use, and mental illness than the general population. In this interview, David Cloud, Senior Program Associate ...
Breaking Point
Final thoughts and next steps
Closing the Gap
Using Criminal Justice and Public Health Data to Improve the Identification of Mental Illness
Researchers from Vera’s Substance Use and Mental Health Program created an unprecedented dataset including records from four Washington, DC criminal justice agencies and the Department of Mental Health to study the mental health needs of people arrested in the District of Columbia in June 2008. The resulting report provides information to improve t ...