
Here's How Bail Works The criminalization of poverty in the justice system

Insha Rahman, program director for the Vera Institute of Justice, explains how the cash bail system criminalizes poverty in the United States. This video was produced in partnership with Global Citizen.


Against the Odds

Experimenting with Alternative Forms of Bail in New York City’s Criminal Courts

Statistics show that money bail is unaffordable and out of reach for many New Yorkers. On any given day, 7,000 people are detained pretrial at Rikers Island and other New York City jails because they cannot make bail. While judges in New York can choose up to nine different forms of bail at arraignment—including “alternative” forms that require lit ...

  • Insha Rahman
September 15, 2017

Understanding the Impact of New York Bail Reform

New York’s recent bail reform law, which was passed in April 2019 and amended on July 2, 2020, was expected to reduce the footprint of jail incarceration by limiting the use of money bail. The new law mandated pretrial release for the vast majority of nonviolent charges and required that judges consider a person’s ability to pay bail. A comprehens ...

  • Jaeok Kim, Quinn Hood, Elliot Connors, Cherrell Green, Alex Boldin, Shirin Purkayastha, Christopher Gernon
May 22, 2024