The Labor Market for People with Conviction Histories An Examination of Access to Good Jobs

DIG25 Good Jobs Report 786x786 V01


Good jobs are the foundation of an equitable economy, one that lifts up workers and families and supports local communities. To access good jobs—those that are in demand and pay a living wage—a postsecondary education is critical. More than 1,000 people are released from state and federal prison every day and many already have a high school education. Colleges and corrections agencies can build postsecondary programs to meet the skills gap and help those returning home from prison access stable employment. In this study, the Vera Institute of Justice (Vera) takes the approach of starting at the end goal—a good job—and working backward from there to determine which good jobs are legally accessible to people with conviction histories in order to inform which college programs or credentials to offer. This national report aims to help incarcerated students, corrections officials, colleges teaching in prison, and other reentry employment and education partners identify which economic sectors to target for skill development based on demand, accessibility, and earning potential.

By examining labor market trends and legal barriers in each state, this report identifies the good jobs that are accessible to people with conviction histories and serves as a guide for developing and expanding prison education programs to increase education and employment opportunities.

Key Takeaway

This study underscores the ambiguous barriers people leaving prison have to navigate when seeking a job. Postsecondary institutions, departments of corrections, reentry support services, and other resources can help people with conviction histories navigate the complexities of the job market. Colleges offering postsecondary programs in prison should design credential pathways that lead to good jobs and provide career preparation.

Publication Highlights

  • To meet growing labor needs, prison education programs and correctional education should offer coherent systems of higher education. Students should be able to access multiple pathways and have choices in pursuing good jobs.

  • Prison education programs and correctional education should consider labor market needs and opportunities when determining which programs to offer to incarcerated students.

  • Employers should proactively engage with colleges and corrections agencies to discuss their gaps and make a plan to create career pipelines that begin in prison and lead to a good job upon release.

Key Facts