Incarceration Trends in


This fact sheet provides at-a-glance information about how many people are locked up in both state prisons and county jails and shows where the state stands on a variety of metrics, so that policymakers and the public can better determine where to target reforms.

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Key Facts

Total Number of People in County Jails and State Prisons, 2015
Explore your state's use of local jails and state prisons.


With 10 Deaths in 2025, LA Jails Continue Deadly Trend

85 people have died in LA County jails since the start of 2023.

How are people dying? Los Angeles County has not yet publicly issued causes of death for everyone who has died in county jails in recent months. And even once even once autopsy reports are finalized, they don’t tell the whole story. When the coroner rules that a death is the result of “natural causes,” jail conditions can still be to blame. Researc ...

  • Sam McCann
    Sam McCann
March 11, 2025

Legal Resources for Law Enforcement Interactions

Understand your rights before, during, and in the immediate aftermath of an arrest.

Every five seconds, police arrest someone in the United States. That’s about 7 million arrests, most of which are for low-level, nonviolent offenses. Black and Latinx people make up a disproportionately high percentage of those totals. This guide of Vera-verified information and resources was created to help people understand their rights before a ...

  • Sam McCann
    Sam McCann
March 10, 2025

Evaluating the Impact of the Midwest Immigrant Defenders Alliance

Year Two Progress and Recommendations for Scaling

In March 2022, four organizations—The National Immigrant Justice Center, The Resurrection Project, The Immigration Project, and the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender—formed the Midwest Immigrant Defenders Alliance (MIDA) to collaboratively provide legal services for people in the Chicago immigration court whose cases begin in immigratio ...

  • Jacquelyn Pavilon, Neil Agarwal, Nicolas Montano, Adena Ajike
February 28, 2025