Izzy Sederbaum

Izzy worked on two research projects:

  • a BJA-funded study using information-sharing across justice and health agencies to increase Medicaid enrollment among justice-involved individuals; and
  • an OJJDP-funded project examining the impact of a change in juvenile prison visitation rates on a range of outcomes.

He also worked on an OJJDP-funded technical assistance project working with jurisdictions seeking to reform their status offense policies. Prior to coming to Vera, he was a field researcher for the Center for Court Innovation, working on a project that examined sex work and human trafficking in New York City, as well as a research consultant for the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United, conducting the quantitative analysis for the “Behind the Kitchen Door” reports for the Bay Area, Houston, Texas and Seattle, Washington. He has a master’s in public administration from the University of Washington, and a bachelor’s degree in community development from Portland State University.