Caitlin Yee


Caitlin Yee is a research associate with Vera's Beyond Jails initiative. She previously worked with the Institute's Reshaping Prosecution initiative, where she used a participatory action research framework to understand the stories and lived experiences of people most impacted by mass incarceration to foster their visions for safety and amplify those visions in policy conversations about prosecution reform.

Before joining Vera, Caitlin was a social worker in an alternative to incarceration program at the Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services. There, she supported people who were facing jail or prison time and also living with mental health conditions in navigating the New York City criminal legal, mental health, and social service systems.

In the spirit of cultivating safe and nurturing spaces, Caitlin spends much of her free time working in community gardens.

Caitlin holds a BA in public policy from the University of Chicago and an MSW from Columbia University.