Angela Browne
Angela Browne is a specialist in policy research, incarceration, and strategic technical assistance. Expertise includes violence perpetration, homicide, segregation/restrictive housing, and trauma. Angela founded Vera’s Segregation Reduction Project in January 2010 and has led comprehensive restrictive housing assessments and reform implementations in 40 prison facilities across seven states. Angela previously worked for RTI International as research and policy liaison to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), and other agencies. She also was principal investigator of a study of trends in homicide and severe violence by youth from 1984-2006 for the 100 largest cities in the United States, funded by NIJ. Dr. Browne served as associate director of the Youth Violence Prevention Center at Harvard University from 1998–2006; consulted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NIJ, and BJS on interpersonal violence, effects of experiences with violence, and social policy; and consulted with Florida's Department of Juvenile Justice on system responses to youth with trauma histories.