NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Appoints Vera Board Member Zach Carter as Corporation Counsel
January 7, 2014
The Vera Institute of Justice is delighted that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Zachary W. Carter as Corporation Counsel for the City. A former U.S. Attorney, Mr. Carter has served on Vera’s Board of Directors since 1999. He resigned from the Board upon receiving the new appointment.
“Zach has been a wonderful, wise and insightful presence on Vera’s board,” said Nick Turner, Vera’s president and director. “The City and its residents are very lucky to have him leading the Law Department and steering it in a direction that recognizes how the justice system needs to support our least advantaged communities to propel the engines of our City to their fullest. We congratulate Zach and look forward to working with him in this new capacity.”
“I have worked with Vera one way or another since I first began focusing on alternative sentencing as an executive at the Brooklyn DA's Office in the early 1980s,” said Mr. Carter. “As we put together our own alternative sentencing program, we borrowed extensively from the Vera model. And I volunteered to serve on the board of Vera as soon as I left the position of United States Attorney.”
Read more about the appointment in the New York Times.