African American Research Collaborative, NAACP, and Vera Institute of Justice to Host Media Call to Discuss Vote Choice and Motivations of Black Americans Based on Data from the 2020 American Election Eve Poll

November 3, 2020

Washington, DC—On Thursday, November 5 at 11:00 AM Eastern, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), Vera Institute of Justice (Vera), and African American Research Collaborative (AARC) will host a media webinar to discuss the vote choices and motivations of Black Americans based on their findings in the 2020 American Election Eve Poll. Given the battleground states in play, maybe no group was more important than Black voters in 2020. During the call, AARC pollsters and NAACP and Vera leadership will share in-depth analysis on these and other questions:

  • How did Black Lives Matter protests drive African American voters?
  • What do Black voters think about defunding the police?
  • Are Black men supporting Trump?
  • Was this election really about COVID-19?

The poll of more than 15,000 people who voted includes 4,100 African American respondents from key battleground states, including Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin, as well as a national sample. During the webinar, pollsters from AARC will join leaders from the NAACP and Vera to present the key findings from the poll and discuss what those results mean in the context of 2020 election results and for the African American community for the next four years.


Derrick Johnson, President and CEO, NAACP

Nick Turner, President and Director, Vera Institute of Justice

Henry Fernandez, Principal, African American Research Collaborative

Ray Block, PhD, Senior Research Analyst, African American Research Collaborative

WHAT: Webinar to release and discuss key findings about African American vote choices and
motivations based on the 2020 American Election Eve Poll

WHEN: Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 11:00 AM Eastern

HOW TO JOIN: RSVP to for information on how to join

Pollsters and Sponsors

The lead pollsters for the 2020 American Election Eve Poll include the African American Research Collaborative, Latino Decisions, and Asian American Decisions.

Sponsoring organizations include: AAPI Civic Engagement Fund, NAACP, UnidosUS, America's Voice, Advancement Project, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, Community Change, Demos, Faith In Action, Florida Alliance, Indivisible, League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Momento Latino, National Congress of American Indians, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Urban League, Race Forward,, SEIU, Vera Institute of Justice, Voter Participation Center.