Continuing the federal investment into criminal justice

Dec 10, 2012

Recently, two letters were sent to Democratic and Republican Congressional Leadership from law enforcement, prosecutors, and stakeholders in the criminal justice community. The Vera Institute of Justice was one of the signatories to the letters, which urged Congress to prevent further cuts to non-defense discretionary programs—particularly the Department of Justice and other law enforcement grant programs, which are essential in our fight against crime—in any deficit reduction plan. While budgets for crime control and prevention rest primarily with state and local government, the small federal government contribution (3.3 percent of the total investment) is indispensable. The letters make two points: 1) state and local grant programs have already contributed almost $1.5 billion to recent deficit reduction; and 2) experts and practitioners in the field believe there are compelling reasons to continue federal investment in these important programs. Each letter is reproduced below.

Criminal Justice Sequestration Sign-On Letter - 12-10-12 - Final With Signatures