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Eric Holder, speaking as a father
Attorney General Eric Holder, speaking at a Fatherhood Town Hall hosted by…
Dec 18, 2009
A Call for Innovation
The recently released report from Governor Paterson’s Task Force on…
Dec 16, 2009
Will you accept this call?
It was reassuring to read a recent New York Times editorial criticizing the New…
Dec 09, 2009
Evil people do evil things
Sadly, the saga of Maurice Clemmons, who was released on parole from prison in…
Dec 08, 2009
Recent testimony on mandatory sentencing for drug possession
I testified last week before Canada's Standing Senate Committee on Legal and…
Nov 23, 2009
Vera researchers at American Society of Criminology annual meeting
Many Vera researchers will be presenting their work at the annual meeting of…
Nov 04, 2009
Continuing the reentry journey
There's a proverb that says "The journey only belongs to you until you take the…
Nov 03, 2009
A New Partnership in the Neighborhood
On Friday, the county executive of Prince George’s County, Maryland, officially…
Nov 02, 2009
A Lesson Learned from Hawaii
A few weeks ago I was on a “What Works” panel at the 2nd Annual Hawaii…
Nov 02, 2009
Striking a Balance for Successful Reentry
Two core tasks of leadership are to define reality and instill hope. Although…
Sep 18, 2009