News & Stories

A smaller jail for New Orleans
This evening, the New Orleans City Council voted unanimously to pass an…
Feb 03, 2011
Why measuring policy benefits matters
Debates surrounding new programs and policies are often dominated by one of two…
Feb 02, 2011
New guide for the corrections field on the role of families
“Why ask about family?” “Because families and other supportive people can make…
Jan 20, 2011
The U-visa
The January newsletter of the Department of Justice’s Office of Community…
Jan 14, 2011
When engaging kids in school becomes everyone's business
It’s widely accepted that keeping kids in school can be a prevention strategy…
Dec 07, 2010
Training law enforcement about a visa option for crime victims
In collaboration with the nonprofit organization Legal Momentum, Vera has begun…
Dec 06, 2010
Ensuring that guardianship lives up to its name
Concluding a year-long investigation into guardianship abuse allegations in 45…
Nov 08, 2010

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Youth court
The New York Times’ recent feature story on New York City’s youth courts cast a…
Sep 30, 2010
In Alabama, a hard look at sentencing practices
Earlier this month, Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb from Alabama’s Supreme Court…
Sep 21, 2010
Banning juvenile life sentences without parole is good policy
The California State Assembly recently rejected a bill that would ban sentences…
Sep 16, 2010
Media Coverage