News & Stories

NYPD use of anti-overdose drug saves lives and recognizes substance use as public health issue
In response to an explosion in overdose deaths due to opioids, such as heroin…
Jun 24, 2014
High mortality rate among the formerly incarcerated demands better policies
The surge of opiate-related overdoses in the United States is a pressing public…
Jun 16, 2014
From Prison to Cambridge
What inspired you to pursue education while you were incarcerated? One day…
Jun 09, 2014
Orleans Parish Prison
A jail cell covered in blood after an inmate-on-inmate assault. Unsupervised…
Jun 03, 2014
New op-ed co-authored by Vera President Nick Turner
It sounds like the first line of a joke: "Three state corrections teams and…
May 22, 2014
Massachusetts correctional center embraces resocialization and rehabilitation
It was gratifying to read Vera’s recent report concerning the sentencing and…
May 16, 2014
New paper answers the question: “Is cost-benefit analysis baloney?”
A few years ago, a colleague asked me a pointed question about cost-benefit…
May 14, 2014

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Gov. Christie Announces Expansion of Prison Education Program
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, in an event yesterday at Mercer County…
May 09, 2014
The value of crime analysts
Would you explain the origins of the new paper, Putting a Value on Crime…
May 06, 2014
How Violence Becomes Normal
We tell a story in this country about the normalization of violence. We look at…
May 05, 2014
Media Coverage