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New report shines light on domestic violence rates in LGBTQ communities
This month, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) released…
Oct 30, 2014
Taking a two-generation approach to helping families impacted by the justice system
Earlier this month, my colleague Ryan Shanahan and I represented Vera at…
Oct 23, 2014
Remembering Eddie Ellis and the power of language
Several weeks ago, I attended the memorial service for Eddie Ellis, who was,…
Oct 17, 2014
Ending segregation for incarcerated adolescents is a step in the right direction for NYC
The New York City Department of Corrections’ (DOC) recent commitment to ending…
Oct 03, 2014
Honoring the courage of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, advocates, and allies on VAWA’s 20th anniversary
On Tuesday, September 9, I attended a celebration at the National Archives in…
Sep 19, 2014
Ferguson, trust, and the new suburbia
At a distance of nearly a month, the shooting death of Michael Brown by police…
Sep 05, 2014
Using education to help others succeed
From your experience at the Fortune Society, how critical a role is education…
Aug 26, 2014
Recapping our Homeward Bound blog series
More than 700,000 people leave jail and prison each year needing permanent…
Aug 19, 2014
Lessons from San Quentin
Beyond academic achievement, how do students benefit from taking college…
Aug 18, 2014
South Dakota addresses the post-release needs of Native Americans
The Vera Institute’s Center on Sentencing and Corrections recently released a…
Aug 13, 2014