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Fulfilling the promise of justice reform
Over the Thanksgiving week, I reflected on what I’m thankful for. I was…
Dec 01, 2014
The challenges and rewards of teaching in prison
What strikes you the most about the college students in prison? I was wowed by…
Nov 29, 2014
Employers must understand their role in post-incarceration success
How does Johns Hopkins serve as an example to other employers who want to hire…
Nov 19, 2014
Cuts to Federal Funding Jeopardize Criminal Justice Initiatives Nationwide, Survey Finds
Vital federal funding that supports a variety of crime-prevention strategies,…
Nov 18, 2014
Unlikely allies collaborate for fairer restitution practices
In 2013, a group of victims’ advocates and advocates from alternative to…
Nov 12, 2014
Deep, justice-related thoughts about reality TV
I’m going to admit two things that may make me a pop culture pariah: 1. For a…
Nov 10, 2014
California voters say yes to Proposition 47
If you only followed the election day coverage of candidate races, you might…
Nov 06, 2014
New report shines light on domestic violence rates in LGBTQ communities
This month, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) released…
Oct 30, 2014
Taking a two-generation approach to helping families impacted by the justice system
Earlier this month, my colleague Ryan Shanahan and I represented Vera at…
Oct 23, 2014
Remembering Eddie Ellis and the power of language
Several weeks ago, I attended the memorial service for Eddie Ellis, who was,…
Oct 17, 2014