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What change looks like for Vera
The Department of Justice released powerful recommendations to reduce solitary…
Feb 03, 2016
Federal reforms to solitary confinement build on progress in states, and provide opportunities for continued reforms
Over the past few years, there has been a groundswell of support for reforming…
Feb 01, 2016
The role of police in suburban immigrant integration
In 2012, the majority of the country’s metropolitan regions saw faster growth…
Jan 14, 2016
What Congress lifting the federal ban on needle exchange programming could mean for law enforcement
At the close of 2015, two Republican legislators, House Appropriations Chairman…
Jan 12, 2016
Walking the walk on youth partnership
I began my career by serving in different settings as a voice for…
Jan 07, 2016
Men with disabilities experience high rates of sexual violence
A new study—co-authored by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the…
Jan 04, 2016
Postsecondary education is critical for the formerly incarcerated
It’s early Tuesday morning and I am on a flight to the Detroit-Metro Airport.…
Dec 30, 2015
New York Immigrant Family Unity Project lays groundwork for constitutional victory
A recent decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit…
Dec 28, 2015
How the movement to end solitary confinement may shed light on how to address mass incarceration
In the United States, there are between 80,000 and 100,000 people confined to…
Dec 16, 2015
Incarceration, by Bravo
Last year, I outed myself as an inveterate Bravophile[1] when I pointed out the…
Dec 14, 2015