News & Stories

Changing the way we think about prison and education
Former intern Monnero Guervil interviews Jeremy Travis for this blog…
May 31, 2016
Transgender people at higher risk for justice system involvement
While recent police brutality headlines have motivated movements like…
May 10, 2016
In a step toward reform, Los Angeles County severely limits segregation for youth
The Addressing the Overuse of Segregation in U.S. Prisons and Jails blog…
May 06, 2016
The Mayor’s Office joins Vera in a conversation on bold ideas for bail reform
Chances are, if you are a New Yorker charged with a misdemeanor and have…
May 04, 2016
Chipping away at New York City's unjust and misguided bail system
This is the first blog post in a series about bail reform in New York…
Apr 29, 2016
The intersection of immigration and criminal justice for women, girls, and transgender people
Americans are currently in a self-reflective mood: Primary voting turnout for…
Apr 25, 2016
People with disabilities must be included in advocacy against sexual assault
Earlier this month, the “It’s On Us” campaign launched its annual spring week…
Apr 21, 2016

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Producing active, informed, and engaged citizens through postsecondary education
What led you to your interests in education and mass incarceration? I started…
Apr 04, 2016
In New Orleans, the housing authority is helping people with criminal convictions rejoin families
Think about a particularly trying time in your life. Now think about not…
Mar 30, 2016
Focusing on youth and families in the juvenile justice system
Justice for Families (J4F) is a national alliance of local organizations…
Mar 23, 2016
Media Coverage