6:00 PM — 8:00 PM CST
An interactive virtual event educating people about district attorneys' role in the criminal legal system & communities' power to invoke change.
District attorneys hold a lot of power in the criminal legal system. They have the power to decide the fate of a person who has been accused of a crime at every stage of a criminal case. They also hold tremendous sway with other actors in the criminal legal system, including police officers and even judges.
We, the people, have the power to chose our district attorneys and influence the way they operate in our community.
This virtual event will feature music, art performances, and raffle prizes. Attendees will hear from New Orleans residents who are affected by the system and working to change it, people who fought for change in their communities, and district attorneys currently working to reform the criminal legal system. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and talk about what is most important to them in the district attorney race.
Panels and Panelists
Vision for New Orleans
Moderated by Clint Smith, Writer, Teacher and Researcher
- Judge Calvin Johnson (ret.), Moderator, The People’s DA Coalition
- Jerome Morgan, Barber, Advocate, & Author, Real Gentleman Barbershop, Free-Dem Foundations & Park Roots Productions
- Lauren Sapp, Staff Attorney, Orleans Public Defenders
- Bonycle Sokunbi, former assistant district attorney and current Acting Chief Monitor, Orleans Independent Police Monitor
- Nakita Shavers, President, Dinerral Shavers Educational Fund and Music and Arts Coordinator, Youth Empowerment Project
Lessons from Change
Moderated by Jamila Hodge, Director, Reshaping Prosecution, Vera Institute of Justice
- Kim Gardner, Circuit Attorney, St. Louis, MO
- Jamala Rogers, Executive Director, Organization for Black Struggle
- Diana Becton, District Attorney, Contra Costa County, CA
- Chala Bonner, Civic Engagement Organizer, Safe Return Project