Many communities have made progress in reducing police involvement in crisis response, but there remains no clear consensus around exactly who, if not police, should be answering 911 calls involving behavioral health needs.57
Experts caution against the notion that replacing police alone will eliminate inequities arising from interactions between first responders and people in crisis. “We know that there’s a huge amount of bias within the mental health system as well, so the danger is still there,” explained Amy Watson, professor of social work at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She pointed to the potential for bias in how responders interpret a situation, interact with a person in crisis, assess that person’s needs, and rely on involuntary hospitalization to connect them to care.58 In fact, Black people are disproportionately subject to such coercive mechanisms, which can exacerbate trauma and sow distrust in the very services and supports meant to facilitate recovery.59 Vinnie Cervantes, organizing director with the Denver Alliance for Street Health Response, stressed the importance of crisis responders who have lived experience with behavioral health concerns and reflect the communities they serve.60 The behavioral health workforce is still disproportionately white, and a preference for professional designations such as licensed clinicians may present barriers to employing more people with lived experience in both frontline and leadership roles.61
Civilian crisis response programs are taking shape against a backdrop of workforce shortages and the underrepresentation of people of color and people with lived experience (known as “peers”) across the behavioral health field. As local stakeholders navigate these challenges, strategic hiring will play an important role in meeting community needs.
Key recommendations
- Recruit responders who reflect the communities they serve
- Focus on skills and experience
- Integrate peers into crisis response
Recruit responders who reflect the communities they serve
Focus on skills and experience
The Crisis Response Unit (CRU) in Olympia, Washington, pursued a similar approach to its new hires when expanding in 2021. According to former Outreach Services Coordinator Anne Larsen, rather than prioritizing candidates with professional degrees, the program asked candidates questions that were focused on “getting to the root of . . . who’s the population we serve, what’s the work that this person is going to be doing.”68 Larsen noted that CRU experienced success building a more racially and ethnically diverse staff this way.
Integrate peers into crisis response
San Francisco’s Street Crisis Response Team (SCRT) sends three-person teams to respond to people in crisis: a paramedic, a behavioral health clinician, and a behavioral health peer specialist.72 The peer specialist is employed by Richmond Area Multi-Services (RAMS), Inc., a contracted service provider that is a local leader in peer-based services.73 SCRT leadership and staff report that the inclusion of peers contributes to the team’s ability to respond with a wide range of skills, experience, and approaches to people in crisis.74 Simon Pang, section chief of community paramedicine for the San Francisco Fire Department, has stated that including a peer specialist in SCRT is “the gold standard for trauma-informed care.”75 And according to Michael Marchiselli: “As a [SCRT] peer specialist, I can relate to people that are in a crisis and also I can understand people’s distrust with institutions and in turn, offer a different approach.”76
Role definition is an ongoing challenge for the peer workforce. Toronto’s Reach Out Response Network suggests that “effective integration of peer workers . . . requires a balance between role flexibility and role clarity,” and programs must ensure that peers are not relegated to limited or inappropriate roles.77 For example, assigning peers the responsibility of sitting with a person while they wait for clinical intervention is an example of underutilizing peers’ skills if it denies them other, more dynamic opportunities for interpersonal connection.78
Professional development
Crisis response programs may require collaboration across different organizations and team members with different skills, experiences, and professional backgrounds. Joint training can be an important way for teams to strengthen their shared knowledge and skills. Training can also strengthen competencies for working with BIPOC and other equity-deserving communities, to support more effective service delivery for people in crisis.79
Key recommendations
- Conduct joint trainings for multidisciplinary teams
- Improve cultural competence and responsive practice
Conduct joint trainings for multidisciplinary teams
Program leaders recommend designing training programs with this challenge in mind. For example, San Francisco’s Street Crisis Response Team (SCRT), with its three-person team of a paramedic, clinician, and peer specialist, has emphasized the importance of joint training to support cohesion and collaboration when they are in the field.80 SCRT leadership have noted that some team members have been used to being the primary decision-makers on scene and have had to enhance their skills in “sharing the remote” in SCRT’s more collaborative, interdisciplinary approach.81 Meanwhile, New York City’s B-HEARD program dispatches teams of emergency medical technicians/paramedics and social workers to 911 mental health calls. B-HEARD’s five-week training during the pilot phase included joint, experiential, scenario-based learning and sharing of skills across the team’s different disciplines.82
Improve cultural competence and responsive practice
Local experts report that providing training on implicit bias, cultural competence, and related topics is a meaningful step toward providing equitable responses. B-HEARD team members, during the pilot phase, participated in a two-day training on racial equity and implicit bias—though a program leader cautioned that this kind of professional development should not be a one-off event.86 St. Petersburg made the provision of implicit bias training a prerequisite for behavioral health organizations interested in staffing the CALL program, and Portland Street Response has planned additional trainings for team members on working with BIPOC communities, immigrant communities, as well as LGBTQ+ people, veterans, and more.87 As more and more places navigate the early stages of program planning and implementation, they have a rare opportunity to establish a professional development paradigm that promotes equity by design.